Having the right position inside the cockpit is one of the most important features. As I had mentioned before,
the first thing I wanted, was to be seated like in a real Viper, that means a 30° angle position.
But not only this position is importatnt. Sitting in a real ejection seat (if you had the chance to do this,
you know what I mean), is a very special feeling: high tech. and safety!!!
Therefore no simulator (mil. of course) would be perfect without this ejection seat. For my project the seat is
being built and I am very proud to show what my spanish friends are developing. Just a DREAM - Allmost all details
have been carefully copied and I am sure that after the ACES II is finished, the only difference you'll have,
is that the real ACES can eject.
Once painted and with all handles (all active) and with an electric height-adjust system, this seat will match
perfectly my project. I am just looking forward to sit in it, buckle in, and have my first flight ! ;)
I felt that all of you might be interested in having a look at the development, so that I placed pics of it at the
bottom. You'll be surprised ;)
Here some pictures of the latest status of the ACES II by Fenix. It is allmost ready and just some small details
are missing.
As you can see, all features are being included, even the bottom box beneath the seat cushion, where the F-16
survival-kit goes in.
Latest Alpha-Status ( Feb.2003 )

Front with Harness and Cushion

Bottom Box for Survival Kit

Seat Cushion

CAD Drawing

Inertia Reel Handle

Inertia Reel
On these latest pictures, you can see, that my spanish friends do NOT waste any time at all. Since my last visit lots
of new things have been manufactured and placed on their ACES. - Just amazing to see how much time, money and love
has been invested in this project, which will be the "perfect edge" for our simulators.
On the left pic. you can see the Lap-Belt (with the Mini-Kochs), the Waist-Belt, which is attached to the survival kit
(placed beneath the cuschion), the Emergency Chute Deploy Handle and the Ejection Handle.
All these parts work. The mechanism of these parts give not only the right action, but also the feeling and the sound
of the real thing!! ;)
The center pic shows that the ejection handle is soft, as the real one, but still has ALL the details of the original part.
The picture on the right shows the Lap-Belt and the Waist Belt that is attached to a survuval kit placed beneath the
seat cushion. Also these details have been included in the Fenix ACES II.
I think everything looks great, but Manuel and Bartolomé insisted that I mention again, that this is ONLY the Alpha
version. Based on this fact, just try to imagine how the Beta version will look like. I am sure it will be splendid!
If you are interested in having one of these ACES II for your simulator, please contact Realsimulator,
www.emycsa.es/sim/html/us_home.htm as they are keeping a list of all of us, that want one ACES. This way the
best price can be reached.
For zooming just click on the selected picture with your mouse.